Friday, November 8, 2013

Welcome To Toronto (Birthday Wishes To Wendy From The Mayor)

Rest assured that the following has never happened:

1) Brad Woodside on the cover of the Gleaner, giving the finger.

2) Fay Tidd on the cover of the Oromocto Post, giving the finger.

3) Elsie Wayne on the cover of the Telegraph, giving the finger.

4) Blair Cummings on the cover of the Jemseg Lions News, smiling.

And yet, here in Toronto we have our mayor on the cover of Now magazine, giving us the double barreled finger. No doubt the gesture has been taken out of context as he was probably giving it to his crack lovin' homies, or fellow councillors. And it is Now magazine, after all, the potty-mouthed Howard Stern of the newspaper circuit. I'll just bet the cover of the Globe & Mail looks less digitally enhanced.

What's truly astounding is that the picture does not look to have been Photoshopped. Those are his hands. That's his gut. That's his Pop-eyed expression. If this is the 'Best Of Toronto', then I can't wait to see the 'Worst Of Toronto'. I suspect they'll recycle this image unless they decide to put a picture of the Maple Leafs on the cover.

Hmmm...Rob Ford. The Toronto Maple Leafs.

What next? I think everyone in Toronto is asking that question.

And Now! for some good's Wendy's birthday today!  Happy Fifty-oneth, Wendy!!

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