Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Good Grandpa

When I walk around Cambridge-Narrows I rarely see any signs or billboards. There is one on the other side of the bridge that let's me know that someone is selling tires somewhere. There's a geo-thermal sign in every village in New Brunswick and we've got ours. I'll bet there's one in Harvey Station, right next to the bank likely! Of course there are always real estate signs everywhere.

In Toronto we have signage everywhere. A lot of them advertise entertainment, and the one I chose to highlight today looked quite entertaining. It's particularly relevant given that my son and my father live together! Thankfully my father never took my son to the park, got hammered and passed out on a park least not that I know.

No, Julian's grandpa was more famous for his ace fighter-pilot skills. I always chuckle when I think back to the day when Gup and Julian were racing around the Maquapit Lake dining room table in a Legoland dog fight. Julian usually won these dog fights but on this day, Manbill Von Schwarz Hügel shot Julian out of the sky. Julian was not impressed.

So.....does that make Gup a bad grandpa or a good grandpa? A good grandpa, of course! Things don't always go as planned. A good lesson, perhaps.

Speaking of plans, it occurred to me that we should all watch this movie together, then I noticed that the movie was produced by the makers of the Jackass series of movies. Ah, yeah...maybe we shouldn't watch this movie together because the Jackass movies have been quite vile.

Note: you know I'm going to secretly watch this movie on my own! It's got 'Ian' written all over it!

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