Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Astronaut Author Marketing 201

This poster caught my eye because it's clever. And how, pray tell, is it clever, you ask?

Well, the title 'Hadfield Has Landed' is ambiguous enough to make a person curious. He's landed? Where? What? The eye is then drawn to his name, the sub-title and the book's graphics. There's no question that this is a Chris Hadfield book, and if you don't know who he is then you must have been on another planet in the past year or two.

'An Astronaut's Guide To Life' jumps out and is somewhat intriguing. Why would you want to know how to live in space? Then you see the kicker words 'On Earth' below the irreverent image of Hadfield doing an ollie on a skateboard in space with the Earth 160 miles below. Yes, the astronaut is going to suggest to us how to live on Earth. Hmmmm, curious. Awesome graphic, I might add.

I like everything about this book cover. 'Still not sold(?)', I query of the contrarians. The poster also throws one more sales-generating teaser at us: How A Canadian Boy Became The Universe's Most Popular Astronaut.

Let's think about how they worded this teaser. 'How A Canadian Boy' sells us on the down home nature of Hadfield, i.e. he's one of us. 'Became The Universe's Most Popular Astronaut' is a semi-outrageous claim. It's like the publisher is trying to create a buzz by strong-arming our recollection of astronauts past and present. Nevertheless, it works.

I'm going to award this poster a 10 out of 10. What's truly amazing is that it got my attention, and kept it, without showing any cleavage (remember Fiona Applebottom from Barbados??). No cleavage, t or a...this is rare in our sex-crazed, pole dancing on TV in a nursing home society.

I know exactly who is going to receive this book for Christmas.

Sorry, Julian, it's not you. Who in the greater Nielsen-Varty family would enjoy this book? I know who. Do you?

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