Thursday, November 7, 2013


Yesterday I went into a coffee shop but amazingly not to buy a coffee. Even more amazingly not to buy a baked good. I actually entered the cafe to buy a coffee-maker....and a cheap one at that.

I use a pour over style of coffee-maker and rumour had it that this café, behind the COC, had what I wanted. They did. Thanks for the tip, Wendy.

What really caught my eye, other than the super friendly staff, was the tip jar(s). They had two tip jars, one labeled 'kiteboarding' and the other labelled 'windsurfing'. Customers could vote for their preference by placing their tip in one of the two dishes. Sadly it looked like the two dishes were equally filled with coins. I see this as a travesty. Death to the kiters...the infidels!

I think I'll save up all my change and return to the café. So what if I give them a $10 tip. I will make a statement on behalf of all windsurfers, and that statement will be:

Windsurfers are the most popular and we're stupidly generous with our money.

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