Monday, November 25, 2013

Baring It All...Except For The Prudish Berenstains

Are the Berenstain Bears prudishly Christian, awkwardly Amish, mainly Mennonite or queerly Quakerish? Or do they take their fashion cues from Little Den On The Prairies??

Berenstain Bears aside, did you notice that there's a lot of Porky Pigglish style nudity among most of the bears in my illustration? There seems to be a theme here, particularly given yesterday's blog.

Rupert is clearly a dandy, or a second year med student. Yogi and BooBoo look fairly normal, except that BooBoo is wearing a bow-tie (somewhere a siren is ringing). Hmmm. The Root Bear looks like a bottomless cup of pumpkin latte that's lost his snowboard. Winnie-the Pooh seems proudly self conscious about his blatant display of androgyny.

The Berenstain Bears make Grant Wood's American Gothic look racy. The red-nosed Fozzy is either a Crown Prosecutor or (see Rupert). Baloo is morbidly obese...a veritable ursine meat market. Smokey is the bear's bear, recently returning from a tour as back-up singer for the Village People. Snuggles is just plain crazy (death to the infidels, and the unwashed). And then there's rainbow Bear...nuff said.

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