Thursday, June 5, 2014

Divine Intervention?

There's no way that I can prove the existence of a God, or disprove the existence of a God in this blog. I'd need a bus full of religious pilgrims and a cliff to prove that! I can, however, prove that if there is a God, then that God is not perfect. Let's use Hymn Sing as an example.

There's a weekly performance of something called Hymn Sing at my Mom's nursing home, basically an hour of gospel hymns punctuated by some loving words about hell-fire and brimstone. I don't actually know the hell-fire part, but that's my guess. I can't stand hymns, so I've never actually endured the eight hours of fun that is packed into an hour-long session.

Let's assume that you take the existence of Hymn Sing as proof of a God because, let's face it, there wouldn't be Hymn Sing without a God or, at the very least, the concept of a God. Sooooooo.....when Hymn Sing is cancelled, what does that tell us?

It tells us that if there is a God, then that God is not perfect. It tells us that God is capable of creating Hymn Sing (vengeful) but then realizing that a terrible mistake has been made (fallible). In conclusion, still no proof for the existence of God, but we have proof positive that if God does exists, then God is not perfect. Merciful? Clearly, from time to time.

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