Monday, June 23, 2014

Hip Hop Replacement?

There are three types of people in life: those who do, those who watch, and those who ignore. We are, on any given day, all three of these people. In fact, we live our entire lives as these three people. It's the balance between these three identities that allow us to be categorized as doers, sloths, armchair athletes, leisurologists, bass players, etc.

About a month ago Julian had the pleasure of witnessing his 10 year old cousin perform a dance 'routine'. I call it a routine but it was far from that! It was more of a one-of-a-kind expression of artistry and youthful exuberance, based on Julian's description. Julian was quite impressed. In particular, Julian was impressed with Max's ability to do 'the worm'. 

From Wikipedia: The Worm, sometimes referred to as the dolphin or the caterpillar is a dance motion often associated with breakdancing and "funk" subculture in which a subject lies in the Prone position and forms a rippling motion through their body, creating a wave reminiscent of a worm crawling. This can be done either forward or backwards, by shifting weight from the upper body to the lower body (backwards) or vice-versa for forwards. The worm was performed at some punk rock shows in the 1970s, was popularized widely during the 1980s "funk" period, and continues to be associated with breakdancing.
The move has been used and popularized by WWE wrestler "Scotty 2 Hotty" as his finisher maneuver.

I included the last sentence in this Wikipedia definition just in case my brother reads this blog. He'll appreciate the Scotty 2 Hotty reference, as I believe he was a fan of S2H.

Yesterday we had a Nielsen family party at our place. Max offered to dance and I was very receptive to his offer (hoping that the worm would be part of the dance). The family gathered around the sun room, except for Grampie Paul who passed out on the living room couch, and Max unleashed his concentrated fury on the carpet. Among his many moves was the coveted worm. Julian, among others, would practically convulse with delight every time Max did the worm. This got me thinking...
Why just sit there and watch, when you could try it? Of course with my bad back, the worm wasn't going to happen. I challenged Max to teach the worm to Julian. I challenged Julian to accept Max's offer of instruction.
There are those who do the worm (Max, Julian, Erik). There are those who watch the worm (Ian, Wendy, Chantal, Linda), and there are those who ignore the worm (Paul). I'd much rather be a doer, but my back is not soft and subtle like a worm. It's brittle like those worms you see baked and flattened in the middle of the highway. This is why I must live vicariously through Julian. He did not disappoint.

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