Friday, June 13, 2014

Wendy Nielsen: A Caring Community Member

Wendy and I go for a daily walk...almost daily! It's not easy to do anything every single day, but we try. When I take a walk it's all about getting exercise, but Wendy takes it to another level. She often takes a plastic bag with her and gathers litter along the way. She is a community-minded citizen.

So much for the uppity image of the high-strung Diva! 

Agreed. From the stage of the Metropolitan Opera to the ditches of Cambridge-Narrows, she's never sold out. She's still 'little Wendy Nielsen from Harvey Station'. She's not above picking up trash on the side of the road. She isn't self-conscious about being a ditch bitch to the litterers of our community.

Personally I refuse to pick up other's trash. I'm more interested in dealing with the problem at the source.

Oh, gawd, you're not still talking about 'The Plan', are you?

You mean the one where I hide in the bushes, waiting for a litterer/scumbag to chuck his fast food wrappers out the window, then jump on my BSA motorcycle and chase him down, then beat him with a shovel handle? Yes, absolutely, I am! 'The Plan' is still simmering in my Neanderthal brain.

Unk, you go get 'em with shovel handle, and maybe you bonk em in face with your large sloped forehead too. Gawd, you are such a troglodyte!

I know who I am. I know what I am. Teach a man to litter and he'll litter for a day. Beat him with a shovel handle and he'll stop immediately. Problem solved!

You weren't a nun in a former life, were you? I can picture you giving piano lessons to a young child, yardstick twitching in your angry hands. 

Alright, alright, maybe I'm going a bit over the top, but I've got no patience for litterers. None. There's no question that Wendy is a better community minded citizen than I am. She's more charitable, that's why she's being honoured in this morning's blog. Most people would have no idea that she helps to keep our community looking beautiful.

Harold Jones, who had seen Wendy flailing in the ditch, had thought she was going after beer and pop cans because the singing/teaching wasn't paying the bills <wink wink>. I told him that he was right, bid him 'fare well' then went back to hiding in my favourite bush. Waiting, waiting, waiting...

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