Friday, June 27, 2014

Signs Say A Lot About People

'Visitors Welcome'. This is the sign that sits at the roadside end of Howard and Marilyn Erb's driveway. At the other of the driveway you'll find Howard and Marilyn, two of the nicest people you'd ever meet.

Howard and Marilyn grow and sell herbs on their property and they're always eager to share insight as to how herbs can make your life better, or at the very least make soups and salads more delicious.

Howard and Marilyn are always giving visitors new recipes to try and often free herb samples with which to experiment. More than anything they give you their time, sharing their enthusiasm about not just herbs, but life itself! When we have friends visiting us, we often take them up to the Erb's property because, as the sign says, visitors welcome...and they mean it. Signs say a lot about people.

In contrast, take a look at the three signs which 'welcome' people to my neighbours' property. If you knew nothing about my neighbours, I wonder what conclusions you might make based on the signs alone. Signs say a lot about people.

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