Thursday, June 12, 2014

Insect Apprehender

I've made no secret in this blog that Wendy is an avid bird watcher, so it was rather reassuring when she said 'there seems to be more birds around the yard this year', because I was thinking the exact same thing. There have been some years where there has been very little feathered activity. This year may be the best we've experienced since moving here 22 years ago.

There may be a number of reasons for the increase in bird life. For a few consecutive years running, we had merlins in the neighbourhood. They pretty much killed the local bird life, literally and figuratively.

I think my landscaping activities may have made a positive contribution to bird life. My gardens are diverse, offering an appealing habitat to both birds and insects. And humans!

There's definitely an abundance of insects this year, and that has to be good for the birds, though it's driving me crazy. I wish a bird would show up that would catch flies!

Et voila!

Yesterday's sighting was a pair of flycatchers. Very attractive birds with a unique song. They were checking out the bird house that Julian built about 15 years ago. I suspect that it won't work for them, mostly because of its location. I think it gets too much direct sunlight thus making it more like an oven than a house. I should move it. Yes, perhaps that will be my project this summer....move the bird house. The sooner, the better. I'll do it this morning!

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