Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Real Monarchist League Of Canada

Having a royal family is one of the most ridiculous notions that I can imagine. Though it may have made sense 'back in the day' when the king or queen actually had powers, in society today it is an utter waste of money. The security costs alone to 'protect' the royals is staggering. What are we protecting them from anyway? The answer: lunatics. It's the lunatics who are keeping them alive, I'd argue.

In any event, down with the royals, I say. All royals, not simply the Camillalot crowd. <cue the whinny of Duke the studio stallion in 3...2...1....NOW!>.

I say that we worship the monarch butterfly. Let's take the money that we spend on the royals, and put it into habitat preservation for the monarch butterfly.

People....rise up and plant milkweed before it's too late!

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