Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hadrian's Wall

In AD 122, some Roman dude called Hadrian had an idea...let's build a wall across the north of England to 'separate the Romans from the Barbarians'. The Barbarians lived north of the wall. North of the wall was a dangerous place. Today it is known as Scotland, which I suppose is where Barbarians came from originally (and perhaps still do).

Hadrian used soldiers to build the wall that is named after him. You'll see in today's image another rock wall. I can't decide whether to call it Ian's Wall or Julian's Wall. I 'ordered' its construction with Julian doing the majority of the building/heavy lifting. We built it last week and I managed to put some perennials in place just yesterday. It looks really good and enhances the property. It's just one of a number of rock walls that I'm currently building.

My father is a rock wall builder of note, so it must be a genetic predisposition that has me building walls with Julian. There's no question that I'm also interested in keeping the Barbarians out. In the game of 'rock, people, psychos', rock always wins especially when 'people' use 'rock' to keep out the 'pychos'...aka the Beerbarians!

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