Saturday, July 26, 2014

Form Or Function?

I was looking at a car in Fredericton yesterday and thinking how useless the back seats were. It was a low slung, two door car with minuscule back windows and equally minuscule back seats. I suppose the back seats would have been okay for transporting a couple of wee bairns, but otherwise they were of no use to anything more evolved than a bag of groceries.

This brings to mind the age old question: what's more important, form or function? Historically I think it's safe to say that function trumped form nine times out of ten, but nowadays I'm not so sure that the scales are tipped in the favour of function.

The boat in today's picture is all about function. It's big. It's boxy. It's a tad homely, but it functions beautifully (unless you want to go somewhere fast). If you want to live aboard a boat, then this baby's for you. If you want to speed along at forty knots (to the nearest set of gas pumps), then you'd better look elsewhere.

I think that I'm a 'function' kind of guy. Form is nice, and I do appreciate aesthetics, but I'll choose function every time. Gawd, just look at what I drive for a car!

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