Monday, July 21, 2014

The Challenge: Prove That The Peanut Gut Chipmunk Feeder Works!

Humans have a curious history of trying to tame wild beasts. We all remember (and perhaps silently applauded) the tiger that mauled Roy Horn (Siegfried and Roy). Things didn't go so well for Roy when the white tiger tried to eat his head (and was 25% successful!). Sometimes wild animals should be left the wild.

There was also a story about a man named Timothy Treadwell who summered in Alaska for 13 years. He loved to commune in nature with the grizzlies. You might say that he knew them inside out because in 2003 he was found inside a grizzly bear's stomach.

If there's a lesson to be learned here, it's respect Mother Nature and all of her creatures, especially the ones big enough to kill you. Now, here's my dilemma.....we have a chipmunk on our property that we feed peanuts. We call him Chippy. Often we sit on our deck and hand feed him peanuts in the shell. On more than one occasion Chippy has hopped up on our seats looking for more peanuts. This is not my dilemma. My dilemma is that Julian has challenged me to stick a peanut in my ample belly button to see if Chippy will retrieve it.

I'm tempted to try this stunt but at the same time I am troubled by my knowledge of what happened to Roy Horn and Timothy Treadwell. Can I trust Chippy not to move north from the lone peanut and go for the jugular? Or worse yet, what if he goes south?

Note: as of this point, Julian has not offered me any money to perform this feat of stupidity. I doubt I'll do it unless enticed by money.

P.S. Is it just me, or does my gut in this picture resemble a cinnamon raisin bagel?

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