Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wendy (almost) Jogs A Mile!

We all set goals. Mine is to get through a summer without having any interaction with my evil neighbour. A week ago she was on my property 'rearranging' things. On Monday of this week she gave me the finger while I was floating in my rubber dinghy on the lake. She also made a disparaging remark. Ack, the miserable old cow. But enough about my unrealistic dreams. Let's talk about Wendy's because they are, at least, realistic.

Wendy has challenged herself to run from our driveway to Nan's Store and back. It is precisely one mile. If you click on today's image you will be taken to a video which shows Wendy training for her one mile run. The video itself is just over four minutes long and it depicts Wendy running one mile....almost. How is this possible? Is Wendy almost running the four minute mile? You'll never know until you click on the link!

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