Friday, July 4, 2014

Julian Varty: Part-time Economist, Leisurologist, Musician, Windsurfer

Yesterday was a picture perfect windsurfing day for someone trying to elevate their windsurfing game from beginner to intermediate status.

Did someone say 'Julian'?

Yes, indeedy! Julian made some good progress yesterday on the windsurfer. He did a beach start, used the harness much of the time, and got planing with good speed (see today's first image). He got upwind with relative ease and only fell once, I think.

Here's a picture of Julian's wipe-out. If you look closely I think that you can see one foot. Everything else is underwater! It was a classic lay back wipe-out, quite different from the wipe-outs that Jason used to have. Jason always got catapulted over the front. Though not fun for the person getting catapulted, it made for great hilarity among the spectators and especially for the photographer! Julian was talented enough not to be catapulted (sorry, Jason).

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