Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Where Is DOT?

Earlier this year a man in Saint John got into trouble for filling a pothole himself, because the city of Saint John's road maintenance crew never fixed it. According to the law, ordinary citizens aren't allowed to make repairs to highways and streets. That's the domain of an entity that we believe in, but never see. It's known as DOT, but it might just as well be GOD.

DOT is the Department of Transportation and they're in charge of maintaining our provincial roads. I remember, in the old days, when they'd be filling potholes in the spring. For some reason I never see them anymore. It's July 9 and the potholes are unfilled and actually getting bigger and more dangerous. I wouldn't want to drive a motorbike on the roads of this province. Hauling a trailer must be a nightmare. Something better be done soon because it's already way too late.

The guy in Saint John who filled the potholes on his street should be treated as a folk hero. He is to me. I call him a progressive vigilante. A Robin Hood of the roads. A roads scholar! A conscientious objector. Call him what you will, he did what we'd all like to see done....fix the friggin' roads so they're safe.

It bugs me that the potholes aren't being fixed, but what really gets me is that I don't know why the potholes aren't being fixed. There must be a reason. If the DOT wasn't given enough money by the Finance Department, I'd at least like to know. Until I find out, I'm going fill potholes myself......literally (see image). It's a win-win situation. It makes me feel productive. It makes the roads safer for motorists, and it provides employment for students as well.

With a brain like mine, why am I not the Premier of New Brunswick?

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