Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Phoney Help

There is either one single 'genius' or a team of geniuses working at our local phone company, Bell Aliant. I know this for a fact.

My phone is currently not working. It hasn't been working for three days now. My internet wasn't working either but magically it came back yesterday when our power returned. Did I mention that the remnants of a hurricane blew through New Brunswick on Saturday, leaving tens of thousands without power and/or phone?

It would be 100% understandable that my phone would not be working, after all there were thousands of trees toppled by the storm. Undoubtedly lines are down everywhere. I have no beef with my phone company for this. Succinctly stated, shit happens. I do have one beef with Aliant, however.

I went on-line to check out Aliant's web site for helpful information. I didn't find any, but that's somewhat understandable. It would be nearly impossible to address all of the issues that might arise. What really made me laugh is that I followed Aliant's chain of helpful questions, as follows:

1) What type of help do you need? I clicked 'technical support or repair.
2) For which service? I clicked 'home phone'.
3) Choose a contact option. It gave me a phone number to call.

So, to tell them that my phone isn't working, I need to call them. You see my dilemma, right?

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