Sunday, November 16, 2014


I walked past this poster the other day and I was struck by how stupid I was, at least in the pop culture arena. The poster extolled the simple virtue of CHUM-FM and their crackerjack's best music.

Here's the stupid part....the poster mentioned the names of Roger, Darren and Marilyn, but there were four people on the poster. I don't recognize any of the people on the poster, so if they're famous singers, then I'm either out of touch or stunned, likely both.

The one with the jazzy yellow collar looks like a pop star and not a scuzzy deejay, but I'll be damned if I know who he is. I'm fairly sure the guy on the right is Fredericton's own Taylor White. What's he doing on a Toronto radio station's billboard.

I'm confused and out of touch...and I've never been happier. In the 1980s I educated my father as to the heartthrobs and stars of the 80s music scene. Now I think I need a tutor to get me through the 2010s. Anyone willing to coach me? Does anyone know who these mugs are on the poster, since I'm pretty sure they're not the deejays?

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