Thursday, November 20, 2014

Truth In Advertising

Street level in Toronto is my 'worst' nightmare, yet the cause of much whimsy and hilarity (usually at the expense of my fellow concrete conquistadors). The other day I was tramping along Queen Street West when I spotted this shopfront window. It gave me a huge smile....finally some truth in advertising!

In all my 51 years in Fredericton, I've never seen anything quite like this. I think the sheer mass of Toronto allows businesses to express themselves irreverently, almost anonymously, while at home (N.B.) almost every business conforms (don't stand out, don't stand out, don't stand out.....when what you need to do is stand out).

To the owners of this ugly Christmas sweater shop I say a profound 'thank you'. You scared me off, but you'll be just fine (and you know it). I apologize for not going into your shop or buying one of your sweaters, but I appreciate your honesty. You told me what you do (and what you do well), and there was no guessing. I admire efficiency. In less than one second I was able to make a decision whether or not to enter your operation. You'll not see me in your store.

On second thought.....

I need to buy a certain someone a Christmas gift.

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