Friday, November 14, 2014

Harvey Station From Above

There are three types of airline passengers as far as I'm concerned: those who demand window seats, those who prefer aisle seats, and those who simply don't care where they sit. I know where I stand when it comes to where I sit...I 'demand' a window seat.

I love flying and I love the view from above. I was born to be an eagle. Gawd, just look at me. I've got the beak. I've got the wingspan. I've got the (bird) brain. Where the hell are my feathers?!?!?

When I fly (commercially) I spend the entire time looking out the window, watching admiringly at the ground below. I see field and fountain, moor and mountain. Actually, I've never seen a fountain from the air, but I'm usually ready to create one myself by the time the flight ends (and unlike my mother, I always find the 'gender correct' washroom).

That reminds me of a story, and I hope I get the details correct. One time my parents were flying somewhere and they had a bit of time to kill in the airport terminal. My dad decided that he needed to go to the washroom, so off he went. My mom decided, moments later, that she too had to use the washroom. Imagine my dad's horror when mom walked into the same washroom where dad was likely washing his hands. Though I wasn't there (thankfully), I believe the conversation went something like this:

Mom: Bill! What are you doing in the ladies' washroom?

Dad: It's the men's washroom.

Mom: (indignant) No it isn't.

Dad: (equally indignant) Yes it is.

At this point mom looked around and saw the urinals.

The score: Dad 1, Mom 0

I scored a nice image of Harvey Station when I flew from Toronto to Fredericton on October 21. It looked wonderful from the air. You can clearly see Harvey Lake and you can see Cherry Mountain at the top of the lake. Amazingly, I have never done anything in or on Harvey Lake in my 27 years of marriage to a Harvey Stationite, other than photograph the lake from the air. That's just plane weird.


  1. Beaut of an airplane photo! Did you see this article (discussion in our house/boathold has included mixed reactions):

    1. Cool, but troublesome because they probably won't allow you to watch the ground crew playing soccer with your luggage. Everything will be managed. Also, will this lead to the removal of screen doors on submarines? When will the madness end?
