Friday, November 21, 2014

Johnny Marr....Live In Toronto!

The stars aligned....

My favourite all-time guitarist, who also happens to be one of Julian's faves, just happened to be performing at the Danforth Music Hall last evening. It was no accident that I had two tickets. It was a pre-Christmas miracle that Julian and I were able to attend the concert together.

To say that Julian has been busy as of late with his studies at McMaster University would be a gross understatement. There was never any guarantee that he'd be able to make it to the concert. In fact, I doubted he would. He had a mid-term exam yesterday afternoon, got on a bus to Toronto, attended the concert, slept in the condo, then left this morning. He had marking assignments due this morning (part of his T.A. responsibilities). As I said....busy.

So, who's the musician? Johnny Marr. This may be a name that's unfamiliar to you, but for me I've been listening to his music for over 30 years. He was the rhythm guitarist for a British band called The Smiths. In the 1980s (my decade, baby) they ruled the airwaves for about 5 years. They had a refreshing sound that I enjoy as much today as I did then. The big difference between then and now is my knowledge of guitar playing. In the 80s I simply liked their sound. Now I know why....the guitarist! Johnny Marr is a rhythm playing god. He's a veritable weaver of sound. A texturist, and he doesn't sound like anyone else. He is a master of his art form.

When you listen to today's video, you might think 'Master??' but that's only because my shitty camera makes for an even shittier video camera. The microphone isn't any better. It's a classic case of 'you had to be there' and I'm glad I was. Julian felt the same way. We're both pumped to play Mr.Marr's music on our guitars. Julian, unlike me, can play a lot of Johnny's songs. I may forever be an audience member, at least in guitar playing terms, but that still makes me exceedingly happy. How many Johnny Marr fans have someone in their family who can play the guitar like him? Very few, I suspect. 

I. Am. Very. Lucky.

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