Saturday, November 29, 2014

Murder A Tree To Protect This Tree

If a tree falls in the city, does anybody hear?

Apparently, yes. I guess I'm not the only person who's bewildered by the City Of Toronto and their Queen's Park arboreal 'abomination'. I walked past the site of the 'trees in tree clothing' the other day and noticed that someone had scribbled something on the Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) sign, They wrote: 'Murder A Tree To Protect This Tree'.

As I stated in my previous blog, I'm sure there's a good reason for this silviculture salvation (?) project, but I can't figure it out. Whoever wrote this message on the sign makes a very good point and it leads to this question: how many trees died to create the shelter for these individual trees? It's a question worth asking, though I have yet to call the Urban Forestry phone number.

So, what's next in Cabbagetown? Cows wearing leather coats? Horses sniffing glue? Goats fiddling? Cabbage eating cole slaw?

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