Monday, November 17, 2014

November March May Have August Aspirations

There is some irony seeing an image of protesters, wearing clothing made with fossil fuels, protesting fossil fuels. Their signs were made using fossil fuels. Everything about them is fueled by fossils. I could only take them 100% seriously if they were naked or draped in grape leaves, and then I'd be too distracted to even absorb what they were protesting.

It's kind of like Al Gore trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while living in a monster house and driving a monster vehicle. I'll confess that I don't know where he lives or what he drives, but I doubt he lives in a two bedroom semi-detached or drives a fuel efficient Toyota Echo. Al is doing some good work, but is he saving the planet....or money for himself?

The Fossil Free UofT marchers state on their poster 'It's us or fossil fuel corporations. Choose us.' I believe that fossil fuel corporations are NOT the problem. WE are the problem. Fossil fuel corporations supply a demand, and WE demand the product. WE need to change OUR ways first. We are the addicts, they are the dealers. Only once we wean ourselves of our habit will the fossil fuel corporations become dinosaurs. We need the Government to help us.

Personally, I believe that our Governments are at fault, and since the Government is the people, then we know where we should point our ourselves. Government is the one organization that can effect change most effectively, so let's target Government, not the corporations. That said, we'd best keep an eye on the fossil fuel corporations too because they're only really concerned with making money. BIG Money. I doubt they give a real shit about the places where they drill, or the aftermath of their activities.

I'm not poo-pooing this protest march. In fact, I'm all for it but I think their sights are set on the wrong target.

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