Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Weiner Supreme (the ultimate culinary oxymoron which includes a misspelling)

 I ate a lot of hot dogs as a child because they were quick to make and they tasted good (note: my taste buds were not fully formed). As an adult I eat about one hot dog a year, and that's plenty.

My Mom's nursing home, which is excellent I must say, never serves hot dogs....they serve wiener supreme (note: I misspelled wiener in the images but I'm too damned lazy to go back and change the spelling at this point...I'm a busy leisurologist after all).

Wiener supreme is, of course, a hot dog but what makes it 'supreme' is the manner in which it is sliced down the middle and then topped with cheese. A cheese slice. As Mom is currently eating her food in a ground consistency, her wiener supreme does not include cheese. So basically she's eating a minced hot dog. Based on the first image, I'd say she's pretty happy to be eating wiener supreme. Based on the second image....not so much. When I was feeding her the wiener supreme she'd often screw up her face like this. It was quite comical and I think she was having some fun with it too, but you never can be sure.

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