Monday, March 18, 2013

Big Foot Scene

My attraction to graffiti and wall art (i.e. murals) has only been heightened by spending time in Toronto. I get a kick out of graffiti's often irreverent nature. It's the art world's hillbilly cousin...the red head...the leper...the Republican...the artist born out of wedlock.

At some point Wendy and I will be buying a condo in Toronto. I'd like to decorate it with some lively, graffitiesque art. I might try to do some myself, or I might hire someone to create something for us. Maybe I'll find something in a gallery. I hope it won't be too expensive since I'll have to foot the bill.

I don't even know how a graffiti artist would charge for his/her work. Perhaps based on the size of the painting and the level of difficulty. Perhaps it would be based on the artist's sense of self worth or time value. I'm pretty sure that muralists charge by the square foot.

I suppose that I owe it to my readers to show the big picture. Here it is! This mural was found on the side of a martial arts studio just south the Main Street Go Train station. No doubt a muralist was hired to do the work. The eagerly anticipated word on the street was likely 'heel be here soon'.

Bad puns make me the hillbilly cousin of the literary world. I'm a red-headed, gun toting, Republican leper with a poison pen. I am the arch villian of culture.

I'm not any of that, really. I'm just a simple Rhinoceros with time on my hands, and a brain that flirts with pressing the clutch and shifting out of first gear.

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