Friday, March 29, 2013

Cell Fish Division

It wasn't my intention to 'borrow' a New Yorker magazine cartoon and post it, bit it was so delightfully relevant that I couldn't help myself.

Just yesterday I was marveling inside my head at what I was seeing outside. Sometimes it seems like everyone (but me) talks/texts on cellphones with blatant disregard for others. For everything. No one hears the cardinal's love song or the whistling wind anymore. No one looks up.

It. Is. An. Epidemic.

This cartoon captures my sentiment perfectly. Oddly enough I was chuckling last week when I saw one of these cones on a dog. For the dog, the cone was meant to keep it from scratching an incessant itch. No different for humans, I'd say.

If I sound like I'm complaining, I'm not. This development makes me quite happy. When the world runs out of oil and electrical grids fail all over the planet, Nature Boy Varty (a fictitious descendant) will be out in the back country enjoying a hot mug of birch bark soup. And the cell phoners, what will they do? They'll be madly trying to get online with their oxymoronical 'smart phones' to see if Martha Stewart has a recipe for pemmican. She won't. By this point Martha will be cryogenically frozen and likely orbiting the sun in some far off solar system. Besides, there will be no cell service. Ha ha.

Well, that's my view of the future. We might just as well eat, drink and be merry today because life without cell phones won't feel much like life.

Note: what a stupid, rambling blog this has been. I really just wanted to re-post that cartoon.

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