Sunday, March 10, 2013


I used to watch Spiderman cartoons when I was a kid. I suppose all sons of entomologists did. As captivating a personality as Spidey was, I, for some reason, gravitated towards the Rhino. Maybe I got that from my Mom's side of the family. I've seen her charging through the halls of PG, willing to trample or gore anyone who got in her way (especially Philip!).

The Rhino was basically a UofT graduate who went from job to job, eventually settling into a comfortable existence as a discouraged worker (described by writer Mike Conroy as "famously one of Spider-Man's dimmest villains"). He constantly needed more money to support his habits, so he donned a Rhino suit and smashed bank vaults, pierced armoured trucks, and looted. He had a fondness for gold bullion.

He also had a blatant disregard for pedestrians. For some strange reason, I seem to identify with the Rhino. Curious.

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