Monday, March 11, 2013

Posturing About The Poster Poser

A full 99% of advertising is invisible to me, and the zillion posters plastered all over Toronto are no different (unless there's nudity, then you've got me every time!). Every now and then there's one fully dressed poster that catches my eye.

The partial poster poser pictured to my left grabs my attention every time I walk past. I can't not look at it. It even makes me write in double negatives which clearly exhibits its positive impact.

It's unfair to you, my devout two readers, that I've photographed the poster without text and as a double exposure (for artistic effect). It could have stood alone easily. That said, I don't remember what it was selling or promoting and that's because the graphic was so compelling that I couldn't break away from the man in blue's gaze.

So why did this poster hold my attention? I think the blueness of it was factor one. The second may well be that the man in the poster looks a bit like both of my brothers at the same time. He has the dastardly death stare of Dougall, yet the beardly brilliance and glassy goodness of the great Alexeyev. There's a bit of judgemental godliness there too, which doesn't negate any connection to any of the Varty siblings, myself included.

And full marks go to the photographer: excellent subject matter, excellent composition. And don't start sentences with and. And don't end them with and. You can't do that, though I can't not.

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