Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Toronto is a big, big city and you can find just about anything you want here. If you're interested in freckled, Jello eating, dwarf pole dancers from Papua New Guinea....well, we've got them (752 Yonge Street, doors open at 5 p.m.).

We've also got a beer swilling establishment called The Rhino. Intrigued, I stepped inside. The Rhino boasts about their world class selection of beer.

"I'll have an Assam Lager", I said to the waitress.
She looked at me like I had a horn on my head. "We haven't got any, hunn", snapping her bubbling gums and rolling her eyes.

I lost it.

Head down, I flipped a few tables. Beer was strewn everywhere. I then went out on the street and knocked over a half dozen hapless pedestrians. Don't feel sorry for them, they were texting. They deserved it. I then charged back into the restaurant through the brick wall, for effect. I could have just as easily used the door.

I rampaged my way toward the office, found the vault and cracked it open with my horn. Gold bullion and some Molson coupons spilled onto the floor so I gathered up as much bullion as I could in my muscular arms, grunted like a Wagnerian bass, and made my way back outside through my brick silhouette. Back in my rhino den, I piled my gold high, then called Peter Munk and negotiated a trade. In exchange for the bullion, the new Peter Munk Centre For International Business will now be christened the Peter Munk And The Rhino Centre For International Business. A bit wordy, true.

I should mention that this happened on Sunday. Yesterday I had a ukulele lesson.

Ever wonder what my role model looks and sounds like? Here's a Spiderman video clip from 1967. You need only watch the first minute and a half to understand my mission....to rule the world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqIKTQz_Xf4

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