Friday, March 8, 2013

Broken Arted?

Everything in life is open to interpretation with one exception...the Rhino's disdain for rude Toronto sidewalk texters who are oblivious to anything other than their palm sized digital overlords.

Whew....glad I got that off my thick skinned, armor plated hide. Charging forward I offer this image of a snow artist. Looking down from my 20th floor 'Rhino den' I spotted someone tramping snow with purpose.

A heart! No, a broken heart!! Or could it be a fractured rack of boobs? Not likely...this is the gaybourhood after all. I'll leave it to you to interpret the artist's creation, as art should be interpreted at an individual level, not spoon fed.

You know, this is a good opportunity to think about art interpretation and art criticism. Should art critics even exist at all? Do we need them to tell us what they think or, even worse, what we should think? Perhaps all art critics should be rounded up and trampled by snow artists. Better yet, by rhinos!

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