Friday, July 5, 2013

Flower Power

I could have bought a new car, perhaps a Corvette.

I could have taken Wendy on a trip to New Zealand.

I could have bought Julian a 1950s Gibson Les Paul.

I could have developed a crystal meth addiction.

I could have bought a used Hinckley Picnic Boat.

I could have attended missionary school...for 10 years.

But no...I decided to spend my retirement funds on rhododendrons. I decided, the other day, that I should count the number of them on our property. Take a guess. How many do you think I have?

If you said 117 then you'd be...................wrong. It's actually 34, still a respectable number. They're all quite young at this point, but some day I hope that 'spring in the Narrows' will be every bit as delicious as 'summer in the province'. That should have read like 'summer in Provence'.

In addition to my 34 rhoddies, I also have about 7 azaleas but they don't seem to fair as well. Of course, I only have myself to blame for buying Scottish azaleas.

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