Friday, July 26, 2013

Mootha And The Bike Path

One of the most intelligent decisions the City of Fredericton ever made was to convert the old railway lines to bike paths. One of these paths is located a scant two hundred feet from where my Mom lives (Pine Grove, Woodstock Road).

Since Mom took possession of a new wheelchair, or perhaps it took possession of her, we've been expanding our horizons in terms of four-wheel adventuring. The other day we went to Wilmot Park and watched the kids wading in the pee pool. Mom's wheelchair handles sidewalks rather well, and the odd speed-bump is usually met with a chuckle. Mom seems to enjoy getting jostled around. When you live in a nursing home, even the slightest diversions are welcome.

Recently we discovered the paved bike path that offers shade, scenery (plants/birds/people) and a spectacularly smooth surface. The pavement is gorgeous. Smooth pavement is something with which most New Brunswick drivers have little experience. Try driving where I live! I dare say that the bike path is my new favourite place, at least to take Mom. It's my plan to take her for a spin every chance I get, weather permitting. Mom seems keenly aware of her surroundings when out on the path, so that can only be good.

I'm thinking that perhaps we should install a bell on her wheelchair. That could be useful when we overtake pedestrians and bikers. Mom's wheelchair, the Escalade, is capable of some pretty impressive speeds. Perhaps we could install a revolving red light and a siren, then make citizen's arrests (got ya!). I'm not sure who or what we would arrest, but I see it as a good way to collect money...and since we haev'na got ony, it could prove to be very popular.

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