Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Finally...A Picture Of Me Windsurfing!

Rider: Ian Varty                      Noted Sports Photographer: Wendy Nielsen
As an elderly balding man with a gut, I don't have much of an ego or any real narcissistic tendencies. That said, I'm always happy to see a picture of myself windsurfing.

This picture, by noted sports photographer, Wendy Nielsen, was taken at Chemin des Chalets (Gros Cap, Cap Aux Meules) a couple of days ago. It was a bump n' jump day which meant that the water was neither flat nor majorly wavy. Every now and then you could pick a wave and get some air. This was friendly ocean sailing.

1 comment:

  1. Great shot!

    However, if I had your gut I'd be laughing and if I am not yet old, you must be a mere babe :-)
