Thursday, September 4, 2014

Grand Hareng Bleu?

Because one can't windsurf all the time, the Gods invented bird watching. I've been lucky enough to windsurf most days here but there have been some oiseaux oiatching days too. In truth, every day is a oiseaux oiatching day, because my parents trained me to constantly oitch for birds. They also trained Julian and he became a hawk 'expert' at a young age.

The big surprise this year is that I've only seen one marsh hawk (busard St.Martin). Typically I would see them almost daily...not sure where they are. All the other feathered culprits are here: gull, terns, plovers, sandpipers, starlings, gannets, ducks, crows, ravens, and great blue herons.

Today's heron was in a marsh just off the side of the highway. I was able to make this photo through the passenger side window. My $200 wheelbarrow car also makes an excellent wildlife blind. Really, I'm so glad that I didn't trade the car for something less useful.

Yesterday I was windsurfing with a gannet at Chemin des Chalets. On two occasions I had an airborne gannet within 50 feet of my windsurfer. Oitching birds oile oindsurfing....oiah hoo!

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