Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Losing Focus? Or...My Focus Rocks!

Alfa Romeo, Bentley, Corvette,.......Jaguar, K-Car, Lotus......Rolls-Royce, Subaru, Triumph.....Zephyr.

You could choose any other car from a bottomless bowl of alphabet auto soup, but none of them could do what my little Ford Focus wagon has done. In the past few months it has hauled about 50 loads of rock. Each load weighs about 700 pounds (the equivalent of two mid-sized Oromocto Mall patrons). It's hard work for my car, but it's proven itself worthy.

Yesterday the engine light came on in my dashboard display. <insert eye roll>This could mean one of two things:

1) the engine is about to have a catastrophic malfunction

2) a little orange light malfunctioned.

I ignored the light, got two loads of rock and then drove to Fredericton and back. And I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Forgive me for seeming trite, but this happened to me once before with another Ford Focus Wagon. Quite a few years ago, while vacationing in the Magdalen Islands, the orange 'you-have-a-problem-with-your-engine' light came on. As it turned out, what really came on was my 'you-have-a-problem-with-your-engine-light' light. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my engine...it was the sensor that malfunctioned. $250 later, the orange light was off and my car was no different. Sheesh...that felt like money down the drain, because it was.

Roll the dice, Ian.

That's how I work now. I'd say that it's 80/20 that there is nothing wrong with my car, so I'm not taking it to a mechanic. My car, if you remember from an earlier blog, is only worth $200, so pumping money into it makes little sense. I've long since got my 200 clams out of it.


It is inevitable that my Ford Focus is destined for the junk yard soon so I'm going looking for a new (to me) car today. Whatever I buy will pale in comparison to Ol' Blue, but I accept that. First and foremost I'm shopping for a safe car for Wendy, and a windmobile for me. I'll keep the Focus for a dump truck until it dies. Until then, I steadfastly refuse to lose Focus.

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