Monday, September 22, 2014

'Smooth' Sailing In The Province of New Brunswick? Ha ha.

It's election day in New Brunswick. Will we vote in a new government or will we 'Stay The Course' as the Progressive Conservatives are begging us to do?

Stay the course, eh? Yes, I'd be soooooo happy to jump on a ship that's  already sinking, Captain Alward. You had four years to 'reef the main' and you didn't. One budget deficit after another. You promised, if elected four years ago, to get rid of the provincial budget deficit. You failed. Bye bye (Oh, look! Po is waving bye to you).

I have no problem in believing that David Alward is a nice man, but we don't need a nice man in office. We need people, men or women, of action. We don't need another person as Premier who wants to spend his or her days varnishing the hull, more worried about aesthetics and being popular. We don't need someone who puts being re-elected ahead of doing the job for which he was hired. The holes in the hull needed to be patched yesterday, so don't ask to be today's man.

Brian Gallant....why are you smiling? You'll likely be the next Premier but your party is as complicit as the PCs were in bringing our province to its fiscal knees. The last provincial Liberal government, under the watchful eye of Shawn 'Gymanny Cricket' Graham was no better, perhaps even worse than Alward's group of promise makers and promise breakers.

Our provincial finances are in tatters. We're heading towards insolvency. Who has the balls to make difficult decisions and right this ship? I'm willing to pay more in taxes if it means getting our province financially stable. We need fast, short term measures to help balance the books. Looking down the road, long term, is good but we need something right friggin' NOW! Got it?

Now, who has the balls to make some difficult decisions and get our galleon afloat?

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