Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mootha Chooses Her #1 Candidate

It's Saturday morning and rather than laying in bed writhing to the sound of a whinnying horse and bad music from every genre except the one that I like, I decide to get up and tackle the blog. What's on my mind? The New Brunswick provincial election.

On Monday, we, the people of the Maritimes, demand a new government....but who do we choose? It's not easy.

The obvious thing to do is to get rid of the current government...the Regressive Gone-servatives. I have not been happy with them. Let's see, they've put our poor little province much further into debt and they didn't create any jobs (that's my understanding of their track record). Then there's the fracking issue. Why are we even talking about fracking our frigging province while we're all still driving around in giant SUVs. Jesus H.Christ, can we not show just a little bit of self discipline/restraint before we start pumping toxins into our bedrock? And why frack now while natural gas prices are somewhat depressed? Doesn't anyone have a strategy??!!??

I'm not in favour of fracking at the moment. Maybe later. Maybe. The Progressive Conservatives have attached themselves to fracking like a bunch of frack addicts looking for their next hit. The Liberals are talking a moratorium on fracking but they're the ones who got us into this mess in the first place. If the Liberals are elected they'll 'do the 180' (bye bye moratorium) as all political parties do; they'll get in power and then say 'we didn't realize that we can't get out of our contract with SWN without being sued'. So......

We're our current government, if not SWN.

Fracking aside, the real problem this province faces is years of budget deficits and a growing debt load that we will not be able to service in the very near future (maybe tomorrow). The pending insolvency of our beloved province is the #1 issue and no one is really addressing the matter in a grown-up, responsible way. The PCs want us to 'Say Yes!' to all their industrial initiatives, none of which address the debt directly. By saying 'No!' they want to make us feel like we're against industry and jobs. Miserable bastards.

The Liberals....let us not forget what a disaster they were four years ago under the watchful eye of gym teacher Shawn Graham. Gawd, why is it that we always vote out governments? Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to be able to say 'I think this government is great', and then vote them back in? It has happened in the past, but honeymoons never seem to last long. One term is the norm. Two is rare. Three terms is almost unheard of.

Politics is a three ring circus.

So who's in the third ring, Ian?

All the other parties: NDP, the Greens and the People's Alliance (or whatever they're called). I'd be tempted to vote the NDP into power for the simple reason, green as they are, that they'd be hard pressed to do any worse than the PCs or the Liberals. If they'd address the provincial debt by making hard decisions, then I'd be willing to give them a chance.

And who is Mootha voting for? Has she given us any 'signs' as to how she's voting?

Indeed she has. She going to spoil her ballot and write on it 'Julian Varty'. Mootha would be much happier if Julian was running the province. Maybe someday he will....

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