Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mootha Votes

"Put 'em all in a bucket", she said.
I noticed on the bulletin board at my Mom's nursing home that there's a mobile voting service that visits the nursing home, allowing the residents to vote in the upcoming New Brunswick provincial election. This got me would Mootha vote?

Mootha's never been a lifelong Liberal or Conservative.  Alex likely scared her away from the NDP, at least in the party's earlier days. I think that she probably voted for the person who had the best hair (or a Scottish surname). That's often how I vote,  because party promises and platforms seem to mean nothing these days. You might as well vote in someone who has a pretty face (I'll bet she voted for honey-mugged Rick Miles a few years back) or for someone with Scottish heritage (fiscal conservative/tight wad).

Yesterday I took Mom out for a rambling walk/push through downtown Fredericton. We passed a lot of political signs but she was not impressed or showing any partisan-like favoritism. As is often the case, she said little but spoke with her eyes.

Personally I shook my head at the Conservatives' slogan 'Say Yes!'. The Liberals mutter something about 'change'. Oh, that's original! Honestly, it's like they're trying to elect a Carnival King and Queen at a middle level school. Elementary, my dear Watson! No one has much to say, really. Everyone's too concerned with being politically correct, leaving little room for anything politically savvy.

I never did get any real political commitment from Mootha as to how she was going to vote next week. We simply had a lovely walk around town in the sunshine, stopping to nibble on peach chunks for a snack. Of course, there was the occasional stop to take a photo or two, as dictated by Mootha. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The Coons came from Scotland.

The hair theory is not supported, however.

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