Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cool Hand Juke

With the encroachment of Alzheimers upon me Mootha, it's sometimes not easy to get the reaction from her that's desired. My best clowning around sometimes falls flat (tough crowd!). There is one exception. There's one interaction that always gets results.

Question: what would that be?

Answer: a cold hand to the cheek.

Inevitably, when I come from the outdoors into Pine Grove and hold me Mootha's hand, or put my hand on her face, I get the reaction that you see in this picture. It has a 'severe' look to it but she usually chuckles afterwards.

It works in both directions or cold. The other day I placed a perhaps-too-warm heated blanket on her and she immediately said 'oh my god!'.

And while I'm telling Mootha stories....something funny happened yesterday. I was sitting with Mootha, holding her hand with fingers entwined. She lifted both of our hands up to her lips and started kissing them. The great hilarity came when she said 'How'd 'ya like that?', especially since she was kissing her own hand, and not mine.

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