Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Pursuit Of Happiness - Ultimate Windsurfingmobile Edition

Don't worry, I'm not about to buy this faded dandelion. It's just one of many vehicles that have been considered for  'ultimate windsurfingmobile' status.

Think of my windsurfingmobile quest in the same way that you'd think of a birdwatcher hoping for a glossy ibis sighting. Sure, you want to find one, but you're not actually planning to bring it home! The thrill is in the chase.

I probably shouldn't use the word 'chase' when talking about this luscious lemon. I don't think it could chase anything, let alone the wind. It might be able to overtake a moped, but not with a headwind or up a hill.

So why is it a contender? Quite simply it meets most of my criteria:
1) It could hold a lot of windsurfing gear.
2) I could sleep in it, maybe even with Wendy (at least for one night).
3) It's affordable.
4) It has nice windows.
5) It's just a tad outrageous.

This van has it all. It laughs in the face of danger (which it would encounter every time it was shifted into drive). It's delightfully irreverent, and that's how I wish people would view me. Shouldn't your vehicle be a reflection of you? I'm a rebel. Yes...rebel without a clutch!

Okay, so I'm not a rebel. I drive a Ford Focus station wagon. I have used a Swiffer on multiple occasions. I  hand wash my dishes wearing rubber gloves. <Sigh>. Can you not see why the ultimate windsurfingmobile has its allure? It speaks directly to my inner Marlboro man, but without the smelly cigarettes.

I see the ultimate windsurfingmobile parked on a bluff. The evening light is low and warm. Below me the salty ocean settles down after a day of thunderous surf. A fading breeze blows through my hair.


Okay, so I need a van and a wig. <Sigh>.

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