Monday, April 8, 2013

Just For Laughs - Toronto Edition

Wendy and I were 'entertaining' two friends last night. The two 'victims' were Will L. and Cara B., both of them alumni of CNU (Cambridge-Narrows University). They both, at various times, have been to Cambridge-Narrows to work with Wendy. They have also both been to St.Andrews to attend Wendy's opera workshop.

Will and Cara have the ability to laugh, and not just regular laughter, but hide the crystal laughter. Plus they're always more than willing to go along with my pranks/ideas/artistic concepts. When the Rhino showed up at the party, they were quite obliging to partake in a photo shoot. Needless to say, the Rhino was a big hit.

It's nice to have gifted friends who take their music seriously, but not themselves. They are a reflection of Dame Wendy and me. Wendy, it goes without saying, takes her music seriously. You know where that leaves the corner playing with my action figures.

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