Sunday, April 7, 2013

Reflections On Toronto

On the off chance of jinxing myself prematurely because I still must endure three more days in Toronto, I'd like to publicly state that my time in Toronto went better than expected. Why? The main reason is that I enjoyed spending time with my wife. I enjoy being married and it felt like I was. I also enjoyed the many social engagements in which we were immersed. Toronto has provided a change of scenery from Cambridge-Narrows. Is it better than Cambridge-Narrows? No. Not even close, but having contrast in your life is a good thing. It makes you appreciate the difference between good and great.
I learned in Philosophy class, about a hundred years ago, that you really can't have something called 'heaven' without a contrasting place. Let's call it 'Minto'. Kidding! It's actually called hell. What would heaven be without hell. What would Cameron Diaz be without Rosie O'Donnell? These are extreme examples often used by extreme people. Anyway, you get the point.
It's good to have variety in your life. Though the apple fritters at the farmer's market in London (ON) are spectacularly good, a daily diet of them would lessen their impact/enjoyment. I love Cambridge-Narrows and the life I have there, but I think I'll love it even more now. On Wednesday I'll unstrap the friendly cilice that is Toronto and I'll make my pilgrimage back to gawd's country.
Gawd! I can't believe nothing has changed!!
Oh, but things will have changed....for me.

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