Friday, April 5, 2013

The Geographical Context Of Organs

Relax, I saw this poster in the music faculty building at UofT. Had I seen this posted in my gaybourhood, well, things could have been very different.

In the music faculty building an organ performance likely means that a student who studies organ is giving a recital. The music building is currently plastered with year end recital posters. A lot of the recitals are for singers and many are for instrumentalists. At least one is for an organist.

I wasn't really aware that you could study organ at UofT. I've never heard anyone play one there. I haven't seen one either. You might say that the music faculty organs don't get much exposure.

A scant mile away, in the gaybourhood, the organ appears to be celebrated. I've seen posters for a 'men's sex maze', whatever that is? There are huge billboards for men's underwear (tighties, but not boring whities) with rock solid male models relaxing on granite outcroppings (poor choice of words, I know). There's more than just two dimensional signs, I should mention. I can purchase my groceries at Loblaw's and within 150 feet walk past the window of a mannish men's club where a female impersonator is 'performing' in the window, likely lip-synching along to musical theatre ditties.

Anything you can do, I can do better. Not in this case.

The clubs in the gaybourhood have very organic names like Woody's, Sailor, Flash and ZippersZ. It's funny that the gaybourhood clubs are so suggestive by name. It's certainly not that way in the hetero world. We have boring bar names like Cheers, the Football Factory, Wayne Gretzky's, Hurricane's Roadhouse and a slew of Irish pubs with all-too-forgettable-names. So forgettable, in fact, I have to make them up: Dublin O'Nothing's, Paddy's On The Wagon, and Scrotum O'Malley's.

Organ performance. That all you need to know. Next topic, please.

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