Saturday, April 6, 2013

Men Are From Mars. And Bars. And Mars Bars. Mmmmm...Mars Bars.

Hello, darling. Yes, I'm talking to you, my delicious little cupcake!

Okay, so I stopped into a cafe the other day with the sole intent of having a coffee and perhaps a conversation with a human. Instead I found myself whispering 'I love you' to a cupcake. A mini cupcake to be precise.

The cafe had a fresh pan of Mars bar cupcakes, something I've never had before. They were tiny, like the better half of a two-bite brownie. I couldn't resist, so I ordered one. They had a moist, brownie-like base, some chocolate fudgesque icing and sliver of Mars. Out of this world!

Bet ya can't eat just one!

I asked the barista-bakista where to get a pan so I could make my own. I was given directions to a Chinatown kitchen supply store, and I promptly went there, but not before having two more with my morning coffee. Note to Mark Messier: shut up!

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