Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dumpster Diving 101

The Scottish are known to be thrifty. The British are known to be 'collectors'. Canadians aren't known for much. I'm half Scottish, half English, and all Canadian. This is perfect because it allows me to dumpster dive without remorse. It's a genetic flaw...out of my control.

The pine bed frame in this picture was sitting next to a dumpster in my Toronto condo building, waiting to be carried to its death. I saved it.

I am....Ian Varty, dumpster diver.

And proud of it. In all likelihood the former owner(s) of this bed probably found that it didn't suit his/his or her tastes anymore, so they placed it next to the dumpster in the hope that some entrepreneurial, self motivated, semi-Scottish garbage hawk would find it.

Then along comes Ian.

The bed is now in Julian's room and it looks like a million bucks, but cost exactly one million less. Victory is mine! A celebratory meal of haggis and mead is on tonight's menu, if I can find a haggis in a dumpster (the most logical place to find one).

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