Saturday, April 5, 2014

Flirting With Fate...The Rascals!

I've had a few close calls as a pedestrian here in Toronto. People in cars seem to be in a rush to get somewhere, and sometimes they cut corners. I've nearly had my toes crushed and/or my knee caps removed.

Cars hit bicyclists. It happens, regularly. I've seen two since I got here....imagine how many must be happening across the city over the course of a year.

It must be equally dangerous for motorcyclists, if not more so.

I wouldn't fault the two people in today's picture for driving motorized wheelchairs (Rascals) on the street. Being physically handicapped in this city must be a nightmare. My worry, of course, is that the odds of them being hit, at some point, are pretty high. I wouldn't dare do it. It simply isn't safe to be on the Toronto streets at anytime in anything less than a tank. But what can you do? You've got to move. You've got to live, even if it might stop you from doing so.

Even in my limited life experience I know:

- someone who killed a pedestrian (Toronto).
- someone who died after being hit by a car while driving on the street in a Rascal (F'ton).
- a bicyclist who has been hit by a car...three times (Toronto).

I'll bet if I asked people to share stories about close calls, nearly everyone would have a tale to tell.

Are you nervous yet? All I can say to my fellow pedestrians is 'look both ways before crossing...and keep looking while you're crossing'. You are never safe in Toronto. Or Fredericton. Or anywhere.

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