Sunday, April 27, 2014

Iconic Images From The Battlefront

We're all familiar with the iconic image of the soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima. We can all conjure up an image of the Hindenburg in flames. That was yesterday for me.

I arrived at Pine Grove to find my parents outside by the maintenance shed. Impressive, I thought. We had a day that was sunny and windless so Dad had the bright idea to take Mom out for some fresh air. There were still substantial snow banks in the yard and it was only April after all, but it felt warmish. Dad had Mom bundled up in a fashionable (??) collection of blankets and shawls.

Mom seemed very happy to be outside, and Dad always likes to be outdoors. I took this picture of Dad, sitting on the snow blower which was attached to the tractor, as he played the harmonica for Mom. To me it was an iconic moment. I happened to have my ukulele with me so I joined in. Mom was clearly amused as she laughed out loud and attempted to move her arms to the music. She was, like the Hindenburg, on fire! Dad and I, the troops of Pine Grove, were attempting to raise the (musical) standard at the nursing home (a la Iwo Jima).

Did you raise the musical standard?

That's a question that we can't answer. There are some very talented musicians who routinely perform at Pine Grove. Those performers have been honing their skills for their entire lives. Dad started the harmonica just two years ago, at age 88. I started the ukulele three years ago at the tender old age of 47. We're both making music, though not often together as our egos are as big as that garden tractor (plus harmonica and ukulele...c'mon). We are solo artists at heart, I think. All I know is that our solo audience of one was most appreciative, and that's all that mattered.

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