Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Toronto Skyline: 14 hours In 30 Seconds

There must be some irony in the fact that I suffered through Toronto's coldest winter in 25 years, yet, on the day I'm returning to New Brunswick, it's forecast to hit 16 degrees and be gloriously sunny. Ah Toronto, how you toy with me.

Maybe this shift in the weather is a sign that there is a localized god: malevolent and vengeful. Generally hateful of outdoor enthusiasts, and specifically of windsurfers like me. Did I mentioned that five out of seven days in Toronto this winter had enough wind to blow the chinny-chin-chin off Mulroney Sr.? What a waste!

You mean the wind or Mulroney Sr.?

I'll not touch that one with a ten foot chin! I think the localized malevolent god also hates Toronto hockey fans, but so does everyone else so that's not such a big deal. Of course the Maple Leafs didn't make the playoffs this year. Yawn.

Yesterday was also a glorious weather day in Toronto, practically t-shirt worthy. I set my camera up on the condo balcony and shot a time-lapse movie to capture the rapture. The film begins at 8 a.m. and finishes at 10 p.m. I probably won't see this scene again until November, but I'll learn to deal with it.

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