Saturday, April 12, 2014

Weekend Mourning and Saddle Addle

I can think of three things that I don't want to hear when I wake up in the early morning hours:

1) someone shouting 'fire, fire'.

2) Deputy Doug saying 'Mystery vocalist number one'.

3) Oscar Pistorius wanting to play hide & seek.

I woke up early, at 6-something, but I didn't have a clue what time it was because I've yet to acclimatize to New Brunswick's morning light. I think I may have even forgotten where I was because I rolled over and turned the radio on thinking I'd get the CBC news. The first words I heard were 'mystery vocalist number one'.

"Shit!" I said out loud, then my brain focused on the cutting reality that I was at home in the Maritimes and it was the weekend. I had completely forgotten about Can The Shrew's Weekend Mourning show. Of all the things I missed when living in Toronto, Weekend Mourning (not a typo, btw) was not one of them.

Now, you might think 'what's today's picture have to do with waking up on a Saturday morning'? I see today's image, which was taken yesterday afternoon, as a pictorial metaphor for an 'icy reception'. I was hoping to start my day with some worldly news, instead I got an impossible contest hosted by both ends of a horse named Duke. Of course I'm just angry because in five years of 'accidentally' listening to Weekend Mourning I've yet to correctly guess a single mystery vocalist. I always answer 'Ron Hynes' to every vocalist even if I know it's a woman. Every now and then I'll change my answer to 'Rita MacNeil', but that's when the mystery vocalist turns out to be Ron Hynes. Sigh.

Well, I've survived one bout of Weekend Mourning. There can be little doubt that I'm officially 'back in the saddle' now.

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